As a health app vendor, how can I provide Sonora Quest lab results to patients through our app?

Please submit a FHIR API Access Form located under the Test Results section of, where you can also access our API Guide.

As a patient, can I get my Sonora Quest lab results through a third-party health app?

Yes. If you see Sonora Quest Laboratories listed as an approved provider in the health app, you can follow the process within that app to get setup.

Note that you must first have a patient account that you have used to access your lab results on To setup an account and authenticate your identity for access your results, visit

If you do not see Sonora Quest Laboratories listed as an approved provider in the health app, please contact the app vendor to request that they submit a FHIR API Access Form located under the Test Results section of Sonora Quest Laboratories does not contact health apps unless this form is submitted by the app vendor.

As a patient, can I get my Sonora Quest lab results through the Apple Health app?

We are actively working with Apple Health and expect to be listed as an approved provider by the end of 2022. Please visit this page for updates.


My Lab ReQuestTM

Order Tests without a doctor's order.

Pay at Time of Service

Pay a discounted rate for many laboratory services when paying at the time of service.